250 Middle School Students Experience the Outdoors with PS this Summer

Project Success hosted a series of Outdoor Adventure overnight trips with middle school students to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA) and to the Apostle Islands this summer. These trips are part of Project Success’ Expeditions programming, which includes adventures that open new perspectives for one’s potential in the world. Getting out of day-to-day comfort zones opens new perspectives, worlds, and ways to thrive for students. On our summer Outdoor Adventure trips, students navigated and connected with nature, built camaraderie with their peers, and nurtured self-confidence in their abilities. Project Success continues to make these wilderness adventures accessible to all middle school students by ensuring students have what they need to be successful on these trips. This includes providing them with the gear and supplies they need for a great trip and a collaboration that allows us to provide an inclusive outdoor adventure for students of all abilities.

Boundary Waters Canoe Area (BWCA)

The 2024 BWCA Canoe Adventure took place in June and July and included more than 200 students, 30 Project Success volunteer and staff leaders, and 32 Wilderness Canoe Base experts. During this seven-day experience, students participated in various activities including canoeing, hiking, swimming, and camping in tents while cooking meals over an open fire. Registration opened on February 1st and, once again, there was a tremendous number of program registrations in the first week, as experiential learning and access to the outdoors continues to be of great importance to students. We were able to secure an additional two groups which allowed us to take 14 students off the waitlist. Many thanks to our wonderful partners at Wilderness Canoe Base, our incredible team of volunteer and staff BWCA Leaders and the students for joining us on this!

“I watched incredible teamwork and positive support happening within the groups in the BWCA this year. It is always inspiring to see students return from their trip so much more confident in both their physical skills and emotional strength from when they first set out on their journey. They come away knowing that they have overcome a huge challenge and are that much more prepared and able to meet the next challenge that comes along…whatever that might be. In short, students are amazing at what they can accomplish when they put their hearts and minds to it.”
Jenny Batten, Senior Program Manager – Expeditions

“My favorite part of the trip is the community that is formed by students that allows for such incredible growth. There are countless times I’ve heard a student say I can’t do this, then within hours a cheerful and bright smile emerges as they are doing what they once said they couldn’t.”
Chala Tafesa, BWCA Leader and Program Coordinator – Expeditions for Project Success

“It’s a priceless experience watching a community build in front of your eyes. Looking back on how far the groups have come is my favorite part. The evolution from tentative chats happening on that first early morning to laughing so hard water comes out of our noses a couple days later into the last night tearing up because we became a family and it’s hard to say goodbye. This trip teaches so many lessons in both physical and mental strength, yet when I look back it’s those moments of new friendships and the exponential growth of a community that stick with me”
Elie Nederloe, BWCA Leader, PS Alum, and Program Associate – Expeditions for Project Success

Apostle Islands National Lakeshore

More than a dozen students participated in the Project Success Apostle Islands Kayak Adventure this summer. This 4-day overnight program is made accessible to students who might require extra support to access and enjoy outdoor recreational activities, including students with physical, health, developmental, social, and/or cognitive needs. In addition to two Project Success facilitators and three professional guides from Wilderness Inquiry, our support staff included two Personal Care Assistants (PCAs). This adventure featured kayaking over shipwrecks in Lake Superior, paddling the Bark Bay Slough, hiking an interpretive trail with signs both in English and Ojibwe, swimming in Lake Superior, a visit to Bayfield’s Maritime Museum and camping at Wilderness Inquiry’s Little Sand Bay Base Camp.

“I was proud to be a part of this trip and watch students navigate new group dynamics, advocate for themselves, and discover they could overcome challenges that seemed scary at first. For example, the rough Lake Superior waves looked daunting, but all was forgotten by the time we reached an offshore shipwreck. The students were so busy using the new skills they learned to keep their kayak positioned over the wreck—and take turns guessing as to what part of the ship we were looking at—that they didn’t notice how easily they kept themselves from not getting pushed into the rocky shore. In the span of two hours, we went from a group that was largely unexperienced kayaking, to volunteering for the wet-exit drill (being flipped upside down and having to escape from kayak skirt successfully), working with peers to control their 3-person kayaks against boat wakes, and holding onto each other in the middle of the bay to enjoy snacks and exchange pro-tips—“let’s count to sync up our paddling!” In the evenings we enjoyed collaborative campfire sessions where students played games, shared stories, and reflected on the day, even as they navigated the complexities of their differing perspectives. Whether mastering the art of starting and tending a fire, or roasting the perfect marshmallow for S’mores, each moment contributed to a profound sense of belonging and achievement. By the end of the trip, the students not only developed practical kayaking skills but also gained a greater appreciation for teamwork and encouraging words. The Apostle Islands experience was more than just an adventure; it was a journey of personal growth and community building, punctuated by moments of challenge that fostered resilience.
Jaden Hansen, Project Success Director of Development and Apostle Islands Leader

These outdoor adventures not only introduce students to the wonders of nature but also instill valuable life skills and self-belief. Many thanks to our wonderful partners at Wilderness Canoe Base and Wilderness Inquiry for our long-standing partnerships and their generous camperships, allowing us to bring more students on these impactful trips each year!

“My daughter left home afraid to be away from family for the first time. When she returned home, all she talked about were the friendships formed on this trip! I enjoyed seeing her return more confident and sure of herself in many ways!” – Anne Sullivan Parent

“Our daughter attended last week’s BWCA trip, with Gail and Maren as her leaders. We are blown away with how capable she suddenly seems, how much knowledge she gained, and how great of a time it sounds like she had. She learned so much about herself and has gained so much confidence. She’s off to another camp already, but we just soaked her up for the two days she was home – she had so many stories to tell and such a cool way about her after her BWCA trip. She was excited going into the trip, but we were a little unsure what she would think of it all once she got there! From the sound of it, Maren and Gail were amazing leaders. We can tell that she was in the very best of hands on this trip. She can’t wait to do it again next year. Thank you, thank you, thank you!” – Lindsay and Joe Yuma, MPS Parents

“I just wanted to drop a note to say thank you to you and the PS Boundary Waters team. Our daughter just got back from her third BWCA trip with PS, and her last — unless she returns as a counselor, and she just might. She has had a fantastic time with PS these last three years, and it was an especially wonderful way to help her return to normal life coming out of the covid school years. She has really loved her time there, and we’re so grateful for this excellent program!” – Abbie Wozniak, MPS Parent

A group of students in the BWCA on the lake.