Ninchai Nok-Chiclana headshot

Ninchai Nok-Chiclana

Facilitator 612.876.3901

Ninchai joined the Project Success team in 2023. Ninchai is a performer, percussionist, and educator born and raised in Minnesota. She has loved performing music since she started learning the Afro-Puerto Rican art of Bomba y Plena when she was a kid. She discovered her love of acting soon after and has now worked with organizations throughout the Twin Cities like the Guthrie, History Theatre, Playwrights’ Center, and more. Alongside acting professionally, she is also a freelance Bomba dance teacher who is currently working with the Boriken Cultural Center as a performance lead. Ninchai truly enjoys the connection & joy that art and performance can bring and she is so excited to be working with Project Success!