Gunxang’s PS College Tour Experience

My College Tour Experience
In the multiple PS college tours I attended in my junior and senior years of high school, I experienced in person what it’s like to walk around numerous campuses with my friends. In real-time, we discussed what we liked and disliked about the college and considered what we were looking for after we graduated high school. As beautiful as the campuses were, the academic programs offered and the location mattered to me the most.
Exploring My Options
Through this PS program, I got to visit three colleges with Project Success, two being out of state. I attended Macalester College in Saint Paul, Howard University in Washington D.C., and the University of Wisconsin Madison in Wisconsin. On each trip, I learned something new about myself and how to plan for my future goals. This is thanks, in part, to a college presenter speaking on my options for each college I visited and being able to ask them questions. I also learned about financial aid with the PS facilitators in a workshop.
I used to think people solely went to college to get a degree, but after attending a PS college tour at Howard University in Washington D.C., I realized college is also an opportunity to get involved and participate in communities you identify with. Throughout this experience, I made new friends from different high schools, and we connected on our dreams and personal interests!
PS College Tours are Fun!
Last but not least, Project Success provided free food on the tours! After a few hours, we were given a meal break to eat at a local restaurant or in the campus cafeteria. We got to visit a local cafe on the Macalester trip and on the Wisconsin trip, and they covered the cost. Supporting local businesses and eating good food is another reason I enjoyed my experience. My college tour experience with Project Success has been enjoyable and insightful. I’ve learned college is not only about academics, hard studying, and stress; it can also be fun. The College Tours are adventurous, so if you would like to explore different campuses in and out of state, this is a good program for you!