A miserly and miserable man, Ebenezer Scrooge greets each Christmas with “Bah! Humbug!” until he is visited one Christmas Eve by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future. In Charles Dickens’ beloved classic, the three spirits show Scrooge happy memories from his past, difficult realities from the present and a grim future...
Come see a daring, provocative and exuberantly entertaining production of Cabaret that explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin’s natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich. Inspired by Christopher Isherwood’s “Berlin Stories,” Cabaret probes the seductive life of a Bohemian Berlin dancing in the shadow of creeping authoritarianism...
Please note: this performance is currently waitlist only. A miserly and miserable man, Ebenezer Scrooge greets each Christmas with “Bah! Humbug!” until he is visited one Christmas Eve by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future. In Charles Dickens’ beloved classic, the three spirits show Scrooge happy memories from his past, difficult...
Come see a daring, provocative and exuberantly entertaining production of Cabaret that explores the dark, heady, and tumultuous life of Berlin’s natives and expatriates as Germany slowly yields to the emerging Third Reich. Inspired by Christopher Isherwood’s “Berlin Stories,” Cabaret probes the seductive life of a Bohemian Berlin dancing in the shadow of creeping authoritarianism...
Note: This performance is currently waitlist only. This holiday show is guaranteed to be a ball for the whole family! Spirited, savvy Ella defies her stepmother’s wishes and captures the heart of a charming prince on her quest to transform her life… and the world. Empowered by kindness and a fairy godmother, she both sparkles...
The Adventures Of A Traveling Meskwaki by Oogie_Push, a member of the Meskwaki Nation will be a multimedia, Native storytelling performance piece. Inspired by the actions of the water walkers, Native grandmothers working to protect one of our planet’s most precious resources, Adventures traces Oogie’s travels across North America as she is moved by a vision to cleanse the...
Featuring Alarm Will Sound; composers Devonté Hynes, Arooj Aftab, Daniel Wohl and Rafiq Bhatia; and filmmakers Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Josephine Decker, Mati Diop, and Manon Lutanie An ongoing Liquid Music series, Sun Dogs brings together inspired composer and filmmaker pairs to create short-format films with new music for live orchestra, exploring how stories can be told...
NOTE: This show is currently waitlist only. After his car breaks down in the fog, Michael Starkwedder looks for shelter in a nearby house and stumbles upon a man shot dead with his wife standing over him, holding the gun. Unconvinced by the woman’s dazed confession, Starkwedder decides to help, stepping blindly into a tangled...
NOTE: This performance is currently waitlist only. Before the iconic 1989 film broke box office records nationwide, Louisiana salon owner Truvy first set up shop on the stage. The colorful cast of regulars and employees that frequent her establishment include a mother-daughter duo planning a wedding, a woman who’s “been in a bad mood for...
NOTE: This show is currently waitlist only. After his car breaks down in the fog, Michael Starkwedder looks for shelter in a nearby house and stumbles upon a man shot dead with his wife standing over him, holding the gun. Unconvinced by the woman’s dazed confession, Starkwedder decides to help, stepping blindly into a tangled...
Please note: this performance is currently waitlist only. A miserly and miserable man, Ebenezer Scrooge greets each Christmas with “Bah! Humbug!” until he is visited one Christmas Eve by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future. In Charles Dickens’ beloved classic, the three spirits show Scrooge happy memories from his past, difficult...
Please note: this performance is currently waitlist only. A miserly and miserable man, Ebenezer Scrooge greets each Christmas with “Bah! Humbug!” until he is visited one Christmas Eve by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future. In Charles Dickens’ beloved classic, the three spirits show Scrooge happy memories from his past, difficult...
NOTE: This performance is currently waitlist only. Based on the iconic comedy sketch that became a NYE tradition across Europe, DINNER FOR ONE tells the hilarious story of a dutiful butler helping his employer celebrate her birthday, complete with unpredictable mishaps, a little too much wine, and enchanting live music. Returning after a sold-out premiere during the winter...
“Dance that inspires, challenges, and entertains . . . from a variety of Minnesota choreographers and companies.” —Star Tribune Now in its 52nd year, this annual dance showcase celebrates Minnesota’s vibrant and diverse dance community. Powerful performances by a roster of local choreographers and movement artists will draw from Audre Lorde’s writing on the necessity...
NOTE: This performance is currently waitlist only. Back by popular demand, your favorite Twins return to The O’Shaughnessy for an unforgettable holiday concert experience that’s non-stop fun for the whole family! Now in its seventh year of touring, B2wins offer a refreshing twist on the holiday season’s most timeless classics. “Sounds of the Season” is...
A miserly and miserable man, Ebenezer Scrooge greets each Christmas with “Bah! Humbug!” until he is visited one Christmas Eve by the Ghosts of Christmas Past, Christmas Present and Christmas Future. In Charles Dickens’ beloved classic, the three spirits show Scrooge happy memories from his past, difficult realities from the present and a grim future...
Penumbra’s gospel re-telling of the Christmas story returns! For over 30 years, Black Nativity has brought together generations of Twin Cities families for a soul stirring, foot-stomping holiday tradition like no other. Director Lou Bellamy and musical director Sanford Moore are again joined by an incredible group of actors, vocalists and dance artists. Let this...
NOTE: This performance is currently waitlist only. In a magical kingdom beneath the sea, the beautiful young mermaid Ariel longs to leave her ocean home to live in the world above. Based on one of Hans Christian Andersen’s most beloved stories and the classic animated film, Disney’s The Little Mermaid is a hauntingly beautiful love...
Featuring a new casting of the story to truly reflect the diversity of our community! In this hilarious Holiday classic, two dads struggle to put on a Christmas pageant at the local community center and are faced with casting the Herdman kids – probably the most awful kids in history. You won’t believe the mayhem...
Penumbra’s gospel re-telling of the Christmas story returns! For over 30 years, Black Nativity has brought together generations of Twin Cities families for a soul stirring, foot-stomping holiday tradition like no other. Director Lou Bellamy and musical director Sanford Moore are again joined by an incredible group of actors, vocalists and dance artists. Let this...
Betty Crocker has helped shape America’s homes, kitchens, and recipes for over a century. Surprising to many, she was not a real person! As a radio and television personality, a letter-writing confidante, and a relatable icon, “Betty” has impacted multiple generations. Enjoy last season’s runaway hit, and experience this musical treat Star Tribune called, “entertainingly provocative and,...
Into the Woods centers on a baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King’s festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk. When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a witch’s curse, the two set off on...
Betty Crocker has helped shape America’s homes, kitchens, and recipes for over a century. Surprising to many, she was not a real person! As a radio and television personality, a letter-writing confidante, and a relatable icon, “Betty” has impacted multiple generations. Enjoy last season’s runaway hit, and experience this musical treat Star Tribune called, “entertainingly provocative and,...
Forget the hustle and bustle—take time to experience the wonder and joy of the holiday season as VocalEssence returns to the Northrop stage. Immerse yourself in new and familiar seasonal favorites, featuring all four inspiring VocalEssence choral ensembles—Chorus, Ensemble Singers, Singers Of This Age, and Vintage Voices—singing together. Mix in harp, brass, piano, and percussion with...
Into the Woods centers on a baker and his wife, who wish to have a child; Cinderella, who wishes to attend the King’s festival; and Jack, who wishes his cow would give milk. When the baker and his wife learn that they cannot have a child because of a witch’s curse, the two set off on...
Note: This performance is currently waitlist only. Follow the lovable ogre, Shrek, as he embarks on a fantastical journey alongside a crazy cast of fairytale characters to rescue Princess Fiona and protect his cherished swamp from the clutches of the villainous Lord Farquaad. Celebrate the power of friendship and the triumph of the underdog in...
Note: This performance is currently waitlist only. The String Queens return to the Ordway—just in time for the holidays! Returning with their signature soulful, orchestral sound, they will share Our Favorite Things, music from their holiday album, and more seasonal favorites in this kick-off to the wintry season. Hear “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” “Someday...
Forget the hustle and bustle—take time to experience the wonder and joy of the holiday season as VocalEssence returns to the Northrop stage. Immerse yourself in new and familiar seasonal favorites, featuring all four inspiring VocalEssence choral ensembles—Chorus, Ensemble Singers, Singers Of This Age, and Vintage Voices—singing together. Mix in harp, brass, piano, and percussion with...
This festive event features vocalist Thomasina Petrus and pianist Dan Chouinard, two beloved artists in the Twin Cities. Thomasina Petrus is known for her dynamic voice and storytelling. She has collaborated with local icons like James “Cornbread” Harris, Javetta Steele, and Prince. Her powerful performances blend music and theatre to tell inspiring stories. Dan Chouinard, a...
Celebrate the season with Minnesota’s beloved holiday tradition! Loyce Houlton’s Nutcracker Fantasy returns to the State Theatre featuring Loyce Houlton’s imaginative choreography, Tchaikovsky’s iconic score, and a spectacular cast of local student and professional dancers with special guest artists. *Saturday, Dec. 14 is a community preview performance. For this preview performance, pre-recorded music will be...
This festive event features vocalist Thomasina Petrus and pianist Dan Chouinard, two beloved artists in the Twin Cities. Thomasina Petrus is known for her dynamic voice and storytelling. She has collaborated with local icons like James “Cornbread” Harris, Javetta Steele, and Prince. Her powerful performances blend music and theatre to tell inspiring stories. Dan Chouinard, a...
All Northeast students are eligible to audition for the cast or apply for the tech crew. We encourage students of all abilities and experiences with musicals to apply! We work to include as many students as possible in the cast and tech crew, but are not able to guarantee a space for every student who...
All Northeast students are eligible to audition for the cast or apply for the tech crew. We encourage students of all abilities and experiences with musicals to apply! We work to include as many students as possible in the cast and tech crew, but are not able to guarantee a space for every student who...
Celebrate the season with Minnesota’s beloved holiday tradition! Loyce Houlton’s Nutcracker Fantasy returns to the State Theatre featuring Loyce Houlton’s imaginative choreography, Tchaikovsky’s iconic score, and a spectacular cast of local student and professional dancers with special guest artists. *Saturday, Dec. 14 is a community preview performance. For this preview performance, pre-recorded music will be...
Celebrate the season with Minnesota’s beloved holiday tradition! Loyce Houlton’s Nutcracker Fantasy returns to the State Theatre featuring Loyce Houlton’s imaginative choreography, Tchaikovsky’s iconic score, and a spectacular cast of local student and professional dancers with special guest artists. *Saturday, Dec. 14 is a community preview performance. For this preview performance, pre-recorded music will be...
Featuring a new casting of the story to truly reflect the diversity of our community! In this hilarious Holiday classic, two dads struggle to put on a Christmas pageant at the local community center and are faced with casting the Herdman kids – probably the most awful kids in history. You won’t believe the mayhem...
Note: This performance is currently waitlist only. This holiday show is guaranteed to be a ball for the whole family! Spirited, savvy Ella defies her stepmother’s wishes and captures the heart of a charming prince on her quest to transform her life… and the world. Empowered by kindness and a fairy godmother, she both sparkles...
Note: This performance is currently waitlist only. A moving new comedy When Luna and Jane run into each other at the supermarket on Thanksgiving Day, they discover they have much in common — they’re both new to America and spending the holiday alone while their medical-resident husbands work the night away. Longing for connection, the...