PS Teachers and Staff Appreciation Nights

Our annual Teacher Appreciation Night is one of the many ways Project Success (PS) showcases how thankful we are for every Minneapolis Public School (MPS) teacher and schools’ administrative staff. We are grateful for the hard work and dedication MPS teachers and staff do to make Project Success programs an unforgettable experience for our PS 6-12 grade students.
This year, we were excited to offer TWO fun-filled nights in partnership with the Guthrie Theater and the Minnesota Twins! Our teachers and staff will be attending the Minnesota Twins baseball game at the Target Field on August 26th, and have already experienced a performance of Emma or Sweat at the Guthrie Theater on August 7th.
During this multi-evening celebration, we honor our partner teachers and MPS staff for all that they do, and for the obstacles they continue to overcome with the pandemic and all related challenges that occur in the classroom. As with the Guthrie Theater evening, we will have a terrific time gathering in person, seeing familiar and new faces, and welcoming our amazing principals, teachers, and school staff at a Minnesota Twins game.
We are so thankful for our nearly 30-year partnership with the Minneapolis Public School District. Through the help, dedication, and care that our MPS teachers and staff provide to us, our programs are able to run smoothly so we can maintain our focus on connecting students to their purpose. We appreciate our long-time partners in the Minnesota Twins and the Guthrie Theater for making these celebratory and community-building evenings possible for our MPS teachers and school staff. THANK YOU!
Teacher Appreciation Night at Target Field