Podcast-ka Wadahadalka Kuliyada
How do you decide which college or post-secondary option is best for you? Join Project Success facilitator Kyle as he interviews MPS students and experts on important post-secondary related topics, all to help inform your decision-making process.

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Episode 1: Decision Making
What are the most important factors for you deciding which college to attend? How do you make a decision? What tools and resources are there to help you decide? Kyle connects with Cheryl (Admissions Coordinator at MCTC), Lana (10th grade student at Patrick Henry) and Jordan (South Alumni now studying at the University of Minnesota) on their perspective of which factors most important to them. Music by scottholmesmusic.com
Episode 2: First-Generation Scholars
What are the challenges of being the first in your family to go to college? How can you celebrate being the first? Who can you turn to for support in high school and in college? Kyle connects with Kenzie (Coordinator of Multicultural Outreach & Community Partnerships, Undergraduate Office of Admissions at UMNTC), Jeremiah (Program Manager at GEAR UP), and Hana (Facilitator at Project Success) on what it means to be the first to attend college. music by scottholmesmusic.com
Episode 3: Self Advocacy
How can you be your own advocate during the college process and once in college? Why should you ask for what you need and what does self-efficacy have to do with it? Kyle connects with Josh (Admissions Officer at Fond du Lac Tribal & Community College), Leo (12th grade student Roosevelt High School), and Alwyn (MPS North High School Alumni) on Self-Advocacy. music by scottholmesmusic.com
Episode 4: Community and Campus Support
How do you ask for support? Who can you go to? What resources are there and how can your community support you? Kyle connects with Derek (Manager of Counseling Services, Office of College and Career Readiness at MPS), Shonna (Associate Director of Undergraduate Admissions at Augsburg), and Chelsea (10th grader, and PS alumni) about what do you need to feel supported on a college campus.
Episode 5: Financial Aid
How can you pay for college? Is the debt even worth it? Who can support you? Kyle connects with Sam (Financial Aid Counselor at the Dougherty Family College, St. Thomas), Keeley (Senior Financial Aid Counselor at St. Catherine University), and Zoe (10th grade student at Southwest) about the cost of college. music by scottholmesmusic.com
Episode 6: Which College Type Is For Me?
What are the different types of colleges and how do you pick the best fit for you? Private or Public? Two-year or Four-year? Community, University or Technical? Join Kyle as he connects with Mai Nhia Xiong-Chan (Vice President of Enrollment Management at Hamline University), Antoinette Harris (Admissions Representative at Normandale Community College), Corey Young (Assistant Director of Admissions and Recruitment at Hennepin Technical College) and Elsa (10th grade student at Southwest) to talk about some of the different types of college models that exist and the similarities and differences between them.
Episode 7: STEM College & Career Exploration
What does it look like going to college and pursuing a STEM degree? What does it look like to have a career in a STEM field? Join Kyle as he connects with Bridgette R. Shannon, Ph.D. (3M Abrasive Systems Division), Peter Thao (alumni of Patrick Henry and Graduate of UMNTC in Information Technology) and Gina (12th grade student at South) about going to college and selecting a career in a STEM field.
Episode 8: Business Degrees; Myths & Advice
Let’s get down to Business! What does it look like going to college and pursuing a degree in business? What types of degrees are there? What do you need to know and who can support? Join Kyle and guest co-host Mary (11th grade student at South) as they connect with the University of Minnesota’s Carlson School of Management featuring Geida Cleveland (Assistant Director of Diversity & Inclusion), Ed McFowland III (Assistant Professor, Information and Decision Science), Chinh Truong (Academic Advisor), Farida Mohammed (Sophomore, Entrepreneurial Management, Finance) and Chike Okonkwo (Junior, Marketing, Finance).
Episode 9: Being a College Athlete
We like sports and we don’t care who knows! What do you need to know about being a college athlete? What are the benefits and challenges? What does it look like to play intramural or club sports? Join Kyle and guest co-host Chase (alumni of Washburn, Division I basketball at University of Iowa) as they connect with Tylor Coley (FBC The North Coach, former Washburn girls’ basketball coach, and graduate of Grace College, NAIA Basketball), Morgan (alumni of Washburn, Division II soccer at Mankato) and Kenda (alumni of Washburn, intramural basketball at UW Milwaukee) about being a college athlete or playing club/intramural sports.
Episode 10: Pathways after High School, Part 1
In pathways part 1 of 3, learn about taking an apprenticeship, going to college undecided, or starting a career directly after high school. How do you decide which pathway is the best fit for you and what if you are undecided? Join Kyle as he connects with Sarah Lechowich (Senior Director at Construction Careers Foundation), Amanda Yang (Senior Admission Counselor in the Office of Admissions at St. Thomas), Kit Keegan (Store Manager at Lunds and Byerly’s), and Gunxang (10th grade student at Patrick Henry) as they talk through how you can find out what you want to do after high school and the different pathways you can take.
Episode 11: Pathways after High School, Part 2
In part 1 we discussed different pathways after high school and being undecided. In part 2, we continue our journey on options after high school and connect with 2 different Gap year programs and a Career opportunity with an environmental field focus to discuss: If you have an idea of what you want to do, which path will help you reach your goals? Join Kyle as he connects with Adrienne Amell (Manager of Recruiting at Conservation Corps Minnesota & Iowa), Matt Young (Marketing Representative at NOLS), Alison Nyenhuis (Education Manager at Friends of the Boundary Waters Wilderness), and Franci (12th grade student at Patrick Henry) as they talk through different pathway options through the lens of outdoor and environmental career fields.
Episode 12: Pathways after High School, Part 3
Warning: this podcast contains profanity at minute 36 & 43. In part 1 and 2 we shared pathways to explore after high school. What if you’re told “you’ll never get a job or make money doing that?” In our final part, we connect with three local creatives on how you can follow your dreams and passion to forge your own path. Join Kyle as he connects with André s Pé rez (Photographer), Gaosong V. Heu (Artist, Entrepreneur, and Arts Educator) and Marcela Michelle (Artistic Director at 20% Theatre Company; Artistic Co-Director and Director of programming – Lightning Rod) to explore creative pathways.
Episode 13: Why Choose an HBCU?
What can a HBCU (Historically Black College or University) do for you? What makes an HBCU unique and what are the benefits of attending? Join Kyle and guest co-host April (Project Success Facilitator and HBCU alum) as they connect with Dr. Carol Johnson-Dean (Former Supt. Minneapolis, Memphis and Boston and recently Interim President, LeMoyne-Owen College in Memphis), Quinn Zellner-Smith (college student at Howard University and Southwest high school alumni), with Zacaria (12th grade student at North) to share the benefits of attending an HBCU.
Episode 14: Undocumented Students and College; Myths & Advice
What resources are there for students who are undocumented? What is the Dream Act? How do you pick a college that is the best fit for you? Join Kyle as he connects with Neeyra Pena Estrada (Latino Admissions Representative at North Hennepin Community College), Chris Castellano (School Counselor at Wellstone) and Laura Garcia (Director of Schools & Curriculum at Project Success) who will discuss the challenges of being a student who is undocumented and where you can find resources and support in your school, college, and community.
Episode 15: What is Summer Melt and How Do You Keep Cool?
What is “summer melt” and why should high school seniors be looking out for it? How can you strike a balance between enjoying your summer and preparing for college after high school graduation? Kyle connects with Derek Francis (Manager of Counseling Services at Office of College and Career Readiness at MPS), Kumar Balasubrahmanyan, (Senior Director of Community Partnerships and Engagement at College Possible), Jim Bierma (Executive Director at the Office of College and Career Readiness for MPS), and Laura Garcia (Director of Schools & Curriculum at Project Success) to talk about what happens the summer before attending college in the fall.
Episode 16: Connecting to Your Purpose
What does it feel like to follow your dreams and passion? What are things to think about as you plan for the future? What are questions you can ask yourself to connect to your purpose? Join Kyle & Kiah as they hear from MPS students grade 6-12, alumni of MPS high schools, and community leaders on what it looks like to connect to your purpose and dream big for your future! Guest Speakers: Eliza, Anwatin Middle School, Grade 6 – Thomas, Sanford Middle School, Grade 7 – Tasia, Olson Middle School, Grade 8 – Kyla, South High School, Grade 9 – Simon, Washburn High School, Grade 10 – Maya, Southwest High School, Grade 11 – Shruti, Edison High School, Grade 12 –Dijon McCain, alumni of Patrick Henry, Radio/Television Personality, Journalist, Emcee, Podcaster – Fred Edwards, alumni of Washburn High School, Graduate Assistant at NDSU, Public Speaker – Eleshaday Girma, alumni of South High School, third-year student at St. Cloud State University studying Public Health – Lewis McCaleb/Lewiee Blaze, Artist, Activist, and Entrepreneur, Founder of N4 – Dr. Padmini Udupa, Principal of Longfellow High School – Adrienne Diercks, Founder and Executive Director of Project Success.
Episode 17: Essay Writing; Tips and Tricks
What are colleges and scholarships looking for in an essay? What makes an essay stand out? What are the tips and tricks to writing a clear and creative essay? Join Savannah as she connects with Casey Briskin (11th grade English Teacher at Southwest High School), Rhemi Abrams-Fuller (Carleton College’s Associate Dean of Admissions, Director of Diversity Outreach & Access), and Jesus Moreno (newly graduated Roosevelt High School and PS alum) as they break down the difficulties students face in trying to write that perfect college essay or scholarship, strategies on how to produce some of your best writing, and try and tease out what exactly a college admissions officer is looking for when they read an application essay.
Episode 18: Paying for College and Other Money Conversations
What do I need to know about paying for college in 2021? How do I sustain and balance work and school? How do I keep earning/finding that money? Join Savannah and co-host PS Facilitator Hana as they connect with Daniel Matamoros (Associate Director of Financial Aid at Loyola University Chicago), Kevin Ario (Managing Director of Investment Management at Wells Fargo), and Ryan Deutsch (newly graduated Washburn High School and PS alum) to talk through what “paying for college” means for students in 2021, what are some of the important financial terms and ideas you should know going in, and ways to plan your finances in and outside of college.
Episode 19: How Can I Navigate Stress?
What is ‘stress’ and why is it so hard to work through? Why does my brain stop me from completing tasks when I’m stressed? Join Savannah and co-host PS Facilitator Andy as they connect with Derek Francis (Manager of Counseling Services for Minneapolis Public Schools) and Wynn Haight (12th grader from South High School) to talk through what “stress” means from the point of view of our bodies experiencing it, what it causes us to feel, the language we can use to talk about it, and what happens when we try and work through stress to finish our college application, or study for that next test. Whether you are just starting off your academic journey or getting ready to graduate, we can work on building skills around understanding how we can navigate the feelings of stress at different points in our lives.
Episode 20: Can I Go to College If I’m a Parent/Pregnant?
What considerations should I think of when making my post-secondary plans as a parent? What questions should I ask when touring a college or looking into housing? What support services and resources are there? Join Savannah and co-host PS Facilitator April as they connect with Dr. Padmini Udupa (Principal of Longfellow High School), Brooke Eichele (College Advancement Teacher at Longfellow High School), Michelle Montoya (alum of Longfellow High School), and Susan Warfield (Program Director of the Student Parent HELP Center at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities) to talk through how pregnant, expecting, and current parents can plan for and attend college, what questions to ask, and what supports to look for as you take this next step!
Episode 21: Navigating Healthcare Pathways
Is a career or job in healthcare right for me? What are the steps I can take, to get there? What are skills a nurse uses and what are the options for specialized careers in the nursing field? Join Savannah and co-host PS Facilitator Alana as they connect with Katie Hodgden (Assistant Director, Career Development Center at Minnesota State University, Mankato) and Dr. Michelle Palmborg (Assistant Professor of Nursing and Registered Oncology Nurse) to talk through how you can begin thinking about and planning for a possible future in healthcare, and what could that specifically look like in a pathway like nursing. Join us as we break down what types of nurses there are, what is the schooling required, and what to do if you change your mind.

Where students connect to their purpose
Through college and career tours, students visualize their potential post-secondary experience. These tours are an opportunity for students to explore their goals, reflect on their own values, and feel better prepared for their future.